
My name is Joel Rodriguez, and I'm a second-generation Salvadoran-Canadian photographer and visual artist based in Toronto, Canada.

Available for assignments and commissions.

email: joelrodriguez@live.ca
phone: (647) 465 3725

Publications: The Globe and Mail, Photo Ed Magazine, Toronto Life, CBC , Canadian Wildlife Federation & Nature Conservancy of Canada.


2022 - Room Up Front BIPOC Photojournalism Mentorship Program

2022 - Power Plant X RBC Emerging Artist Network

2021 - Gallery 44 Fall BIPOC Mentorship Program

2021 - Project Crea Latinx Artist Mentorship Program


2024 - Latcham Art Centre - The part of me that recognizes you

2024 - Gallery 44 - Salon 44

2023 - Screening at The 8 Fest

2023 - Arts Etobicoke - Roots Exhibition Series

2023 - CONTACT Photography Festival "Ways of Seeing"

2021 - Underscore Projects "Nature with Nurture" Group Exhibit


B.F.A. Film Production, Faculty of Fine Arts, York University 

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